Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving in Memory of Ormond McGill

Happy Thanksgiving in Memory of Ormond McGill

I hope everyone reading this message has a happy Thanksgiving.

I am sad to announce that Ormond McGill, my mentor passed away October 19 at the ripe young age of 92. He just gave a night class in hypnosis just four days prior to passing. I know he is thrilled to be where his is now, however. Death to Ormond was just one more adventure to be cherished and experienced.

Ormond Mc Gill’s work on Earth is finished. Another chapter for Ormond has begun.

He is now part of that wonderful universe that keeps giving when you allow it.

I wouldn’t have been a professional hypnotist if it weren’t for Ormond. He inspired me with the “kind” methods he used to induce hypnosis. These are the methods I use today and impart on my students.

I would have never met my wonderful wife or enjoyed my wonderful life if Ormond didn’t come into my life back in 1978. In just one day of training I became a professional stage hypnotist.

Better still, I learned from him, the power that we all have to change our lives and the lives of our loved ones using our mind and spirit.

At the conclusion of my one day training with Ormond in 1978, I was still apprehensive about going up on stage the first time and hypnotizing other people. I asked Ormond, what one thing I should focus on to get over that fear and apprehension.

Ormond said, “Feel love for all of the audience.” “Think to yourself, I love you and really feel it.”

I took his advice.

Thank you Ormond McGill, for all of the lives you touched and changed during your 92 years with us. You lived several lifetimes with all of the contributions you have made.

I hope you feel the gratitude that we mere mortals have for the true, Greatest Hypnotist in the World.

Thank you my friend, I will see you in “forever.”

May all of my students achieve same success and glory of Ormond McGill.

Happy Thanksgiving,

Wayne F. Perkins


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