Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Hypnotist: The Perfect Career for Baby Boomers Part 3

What about Professional Certification?

Professional Certification for Hypnotists is nothing like Certification is for Public School Teachers, Dentists, Medical Doctors or Accountants.

Since there are no Regionally Accredited Colleges and Universities offering Hypnosis at a Bachelor’s, Masters, or PhD level, there will NEVER be any kind of Professional Certification that means anything.

There are No professional degree programs or even professional certification programs that are offered by Regionally Accredited Schools.

When you get certified by any Hypnosis Schools, these schools are just private companies, usually very small with one or two owners. They usually do a good job in teaching hypnosis, however, when they talk about “Certification” especially Hypnotherapy Certification, they are not representing your training to compare in any degree with the Certification you need to become a professional public school teacher , dentist or doctor.

I offer a Certificate of Completion for work done in my courses, but it is never to be considered Hypnotherapy Certification. It just means you completed the course.

If Hypnotherapy Certification really ever existed in the United States it would mean the person taking the Hypnotherapy Certification Program would have to have at least 150 College Credit Hours of Instruction.

For those of you who have been out of college for a while, that means you would have to have a 4 year Bachelors’ Degree in Hypnotherapy followed by at least a Masters Degree in Hypnotherapy. That is 5 full time years at college before you can really call yourself a “Hypnotherapist.” You would be taking 60 hours of general credit courses like English, College Math, Science, and all of those fun courses you loved so much back in the 60’s.

You would have to go to the University of Notre Dame, or University of California, or some other Regionally Accredited College if there was true Certification. Check out college catalogs in your region and you will find no programs for Hypnotherapists.

Remember Political Science Majors, back in the 60s. Many of those guys and gals went on to become 401K fund managers for major fund providers. They do not show up for protest marches anymore, and do not have to worry about the Draft.

Yes, even a retired 401K Fund Manager can become a professional hypnotist. They can help people see opportunities for prosperity that most of us miss. They can dip back into the 60s when they felt they could change the world. As a professional hypnotist, you get to change the world, one life at a time.

Do I Need an Advanced College Degree to be Called A Hypnotherapist?

Yes. In most states in the United Stages you can only call yourself a Hypnotherapist if you have a Masters or PhD in Psychology from a Regionally Accredited University, a Psychiatrist, who has an MD, or a Doctor with a Medical Degree.

However, you can call yourself a Professional Hypnotist, a Clinical Hypnotist, a Super Man Hypnotist, King, or anything you wish, even if your training only included reading a book about hypnosis.

It’s the word “therapy” in the word “Hypnotherapy” that implies you have much more education and training than you really have.

So now that the barrier of professional college programs has been broken down, and the huge investment of time and money, what is holding you back from becoming a professional hypnotist, today?

You do not have to invest four or five years of your life and $100,000 to begin your new career as a professional hypnotist.

The best part is you get to help people see their lives a little differently. You get to work within your client’s truth and help him/her overcome a serious problem. You get the thrill of helping and sometimes even saving another life.

There are very few occupations where you can help so many people realize their potential and defeat so many problems.

Do you want to begin a career in hypnosis. Call today to begin your training!
602-647-4280 or go to the Hypnotism Education Website.

"My mission in life is to help you achieve your mission in life.--Wayne F. Perkins


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