Monday, October 31, 2005

What is hypnotic age regression?

What is hypnotic age-regression?

What is hypnotic age-regression? As a hypnotist do I need to subscribe to a strange religious belief in order to present age regression?

You have a two part question so I will give you a two part answers.

Part 1, Age regression is the act of taking your client back in time. Usually your client wants to go back in time to re-create or re-live a significant event. You client’s belief system may include a belief that he or she has lived in a previous lifetime or lifetimes.

You may find this to be a fact with your client, even if your client’s current religion does not include reincarnation in their doctrine. It is strange but true! When your client suggests going back in time to overcome a problem or heal a hurt, the information is coming from deep within your client’s subconscious mind. Your client’s know deep down that the simple act of age regression will help the client see what is wrong with them in this lifetime, and the realizations itself is very therapeutic.

As far as you the hypnotist are concerned, if your belief system is one where you don’t believe in previous lives, I suggest you think of this procedure as a “guided visualization.” As a hypnotist, it never really matters what you think, it only matters what your client thinks. You are trying to change your client, not yourself.

Part 2. Do I need to subscribe to a strange religious belief in order to present age regression?

No, you do not. You do not need to offer any religious opinions either. Just let the process of age regression happen and keep an open mind. When you are working with the powerful subconscious mind, you will find Republicans who are closet Democrats, and Western Religious Believers who act as Eastern Philosophical believers.

Change in your client’s habit pattern is what you want to achieve, not a convert to a particular religion.


Age Regression is a powerful tool for change. Allow your client’s belief system to come forth through age regression and you are well on your way to helping all your clients achieve permanent change. Keep your personal religious beliefs to yourself as the only belief system that counts are the clients you help.

Would you like to help others achieve their goals? Try my new audio hypnosis training course you can begin within a few minutes. Click here for information. If you want to learn to be a professional hypnotist, click here.

“My mission in life is to help you achieve your mission in life.”—Wayne F. Perkins

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Questions and Answers 1

What educational background do I need in order to hypnotize other people?

Dan Jenkins—Pivnic, IL

Dan, “Thank you for asking the question.” I get this question a lot. There are two basic types of hypnotists. There are hypnotists who hypnotize people to overcome problems, (sometimes called hypnotherapists) and hypnotists who entertain, called stage hypnotists. I live in the United States. In the United States there are no educational requirements to become either a hypnotist who works on people or a hypnotist who performs stage shows.

More and more baby boomers are becoming hypnotists who work on people. The major reason is, baby boomers want to work for themselves, set there own hours but more importantly, they have had many life experiences to draw upon during hypnosis treatment sessions and feel they have a lot to give others.

In October, I have had a few baby boomers attend my one-on-one training in Phoenix, Arizona, and both of these individuals want to treat people for problems as well as perform on stage.

You need no special education to become a professional hypnotist or hypnotherapist. I know plenty of great hypnotherapists who never attended college. If you are sincere in helping people, and you have had your share of life experiences, you may become a great professional hypnotist.

Wayne F. Perkins

Do you want to learn how to hypnotize today? Click here for information. If you want to learn how to help other people with hypnosis as well as learn how to perform on stage, click here.

“My mission in life is to help you achieve your mission in life”—Wayne F. Perkins

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Any and All Hypnosis Topics

Any and all hypnosis topics are welcome here.

If you want to create an audio reply to a post you can join audio blogger by clicking here.

I wish you success in learning hypnosis, self-hypnosis, and stage hypnosis.

If you would like to learn more about hypnosis click here. If you want to become a professional hypnotist in just two days, click here.

"My mission in life is to help you achieve your mission in life."--Wayne F. Perkins

Friday, October 28, 2005

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5 Things You Need to Learn In Hypnosis Training

5 Things You Need to Learn In Hypnosis Training

There are five basic skills you need to learn in any hypnotist training course.

You need to learn stage hypnotism, hypnosis treatment programs, hypnotic age regression, how to stay out of legal trouble and additional “after the training help.”

Stage Hypnotism

Most professional hypnotists do not perform stage hypnotism. Perhaps it is because they want to separate hypnosis for entertainment and hypnosis for therapy. It is a grave mistake not to learn stage hypnotism. The main reason is for marketing purposes. As a performing hypnotist you will gain more individual clients as a result of performing on stage than with any type of print advertising. You also get paid handsomely for your stage performances in addition to obtaining life long clients

Hypnosis Treatment Programs

Learning what to say to your clients in addition to giving them a formal hypnotic induction is extremely important for the hypnotist in training. The induction does not solve the problem; the treatment program does solve the problem and help your clients achieve their goals. Make sure your training program teaches you “how to achieve results for any problem,” and how to diagnose and successfully treat your clients in a single session. (Most clients want results with only one session and will only pay you for a single session)

Hypnotic Age Regression

You will obtain many clients who want to explore “past lives” or will want to be taken back in time during their current lifetime to examine significant events. You want to learn how to take people back in time. You do not need a special skill as a hypnotist in order to do so. Make sure your training includes detailed work on taking your clients back in time.

How to Stay Out of Legal Trouble

Can you get into legal trouble using hypnosis? Yes you can. Make sure you study a course that teaches you how to stay out of jail. There are things you can say or do as a hypnotist that can land you in a world of trouble.

After the Training Help

I have studied with a variety of programs and none have had “after the training help.” In other words if I had questions when I was implementing my hypnosis programs to the public, I had nobody I could call or email for additional help. Make sure the program you purchase does have additional free assistance after your course.


If you are thinking about becoming a professional hypnotist, make sure you chose a course that teaches you, stage hypnotism, hypnosis treatment programs, hypnotic age regression, how to stay out of legal trouble, and most importantly, gives you free after the training help. Hypnosis is easy to learn when you pick the correct training.

If you take my inexpensive hypnosis audio training course you receive after the training help in the form of email questions and answers. Your questions will be answered within 24-48 hours. Click here for information. Learn more about my live one-on-one training in Phoenix, Arizona. You receive additional after the training help, via email and via telephone, to insure your hypnosis success. Click here to learn more!

“My mission in life is to help your mission in life.”—Wayne F. Perkins

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Congratulations to All White Sox Fans

Congratulations to All White Sox Fans Now And Forever

I still remember the GO GO SOX of 1959. Little Louis Aparicio, Nelson Fox (1959 MVP)
Turk Lown, Early Winn, Sam Esposito, Bubba Phillips, Al Smith, Jim McAnany, Jungle Jim Rivera, Earl Batty, Les Moss, Sherm Lollar, Jim Landis, Billy Goodman, Earl Torgeson, Big Klu Ted Kluzewski, Billy Pierce, Bob Shaw, Ray Moore, Rudolfo Arias,
Barry Latman, Gerry Staley, Dick Donavan, Ken Mc Bride, and Harry "Suit Case Simpson"

You guys were great.

Also congratulations to the current White Sox who vindicated the 59rs and went on to create a new standard for Chicago Baseball.

Wayne F. Perkins

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Fear of Success

Fear of Success

Sometimes clients are great hypnotic subjects. They are very motivated to achieve success in overcoming fears or phobias. They are enthusiastic to quit smoking or lose weight. They are properly encouraged to overcome guilt and shame, which is holding them back from achieving their goals.

Then an old fear pops up to derail the process. This old fear is called the fear of success.

What is the fear of success?
Fear of success is best illustrated by the following hypnosis session. I will call my client “Melody.”

Melody came to me in 1978 to help her overcome “test anxiety.” Melody was a teacher in a school district located in Illinois. She needed to obtain a high score on her graduate entrance test so she could attend Graduate School at a local university. Melody’s school district had a requirement that all teachers need to obtain a Masters Degree by their 8th year of teaching. She was in her 3rd year of teaching but needed to begin her studies now as she could only attend college part time, while working at her teaching job.

I began my hypnosis induction to relieve test anxiety, but stopped in the middle of it. I took Melody out of hypnosis because I was perplexed. Most of the teachers I knew were always excellent students. Tests where always easy for them and most of the teachers I knew went in to teaching as a result of obtaining top test scores. Test taking as well as test creation were skills where all teachers excelled.

So, I asked Melody, “What grades did you receive in high school and college?”

She said, “I received straight A’s in high school and was on the Dean’s List in college.”

Then I asked her, “Since you have been such a great student in the recent past, why are you afraid of taking one more test?”

She said, “I don’t know.”

I asked her, “What is the worst thing that would happen if you flunk the test?” Melody said, “I would lose my job as a teacher by my 8th year because I would not have my Masters Degree.”

I then asked her another key question, “What would happen if you passed the test.” She said,” I would be able to continue with my college studies and my job.” I then asked Melody, “What would you lose by eliminating your test anxiety, forever?”

Tears welled up in her eyes. Her head nodded and she struggled with the words, “I would lose my husband.”
Melody explained how her husband named Mike had to quit school at 16 and run the family automobile repair business. Mike held Melody up on a pedestal recognizing how smart she is and how dumb he is. He told her many times how lucky he was to have Melody as his wife and knew that if she got any smarter, she would leave him for someone else.

I asked Melody if she would leave her husband if she obtained her Masters degree and she said no. She loved her husband more than anything and would do nothing to hurt him.

I added that the fear she was experiencing was not the fear of taking tests, but the fear of success. If she succeeded in passing the test and beginning her studies in Graduate School, she risks making her husband fearful of her “getting too smart.”

I recommended she confront her husband and let him know of this fear, also letting him know that she loves her job and wants to continue. I told her to assure her husband that she will love him just as much in 5 years as she does now.

Melody went home and discussed her fear of success with her husband. He listened and agreed he was not acting rationally about the situation and would support her to the best of his ability. Melody took the Graduate School Entranced Exam and aced it.

It’s been many years since 1978, but Melody and Mike are still happily married.

SummaryThe fear of success can be obtained when you question your clients with, “Once your problem is solved forever, what do you lose?” You may be surprised with some of the answers. Until you can help your clients clear the hurdle of what they will lose by achieving their goals, your hypnotherapy will not create permanent change.

Do you want to help other people? Click here to take my audio hypnosis training course. You can learn my entire knowledge base in hypnosis in 48 hours. Click here for information on my two day one-on-one training in Phoenix, Arizona.

“My mission in life is to help you achieve your mission in life.”—Wayne F. Perkins

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

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Sunday, October 23, 2005

Working with Fear

Working with Fear

Most of the hypnotists I have trained, sooner or later call back to find a theraputic technique not working with a certain type of client.

I always ask these hypnotists, "What fear is holding your clients back from success?"

In every case of the struggling hypnotists, I get the answer, "I don't know."

Make sure you pay attention to all of the posts above this one and below that focus on overcoming the variety of fears standing in your way of success will your clients.

You will find your efforts paying off with more satisfied clients. You will be able to help more people.

Do you want to learn hypnosis in your home? Click here for more information. Do you want to learn my knowlege base in just 48 hours? Click here for my one-on-one training in Phoenix, Arizona.

"My mission in life is to help you achieve your mission in life."--Wayne F. Perkins

Saturday, October 22, 2005

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Fear of Failure

Fear of Failure

Fear of Failure is one of the key failures, preventing clients from success using hypnosis treatment. As a professional hypnotist or hypnotherapist, you need to understand that the problem your client expresses is only part of the treatment session.

By listening to your client as you complete your intake form, and as you ask pointed questions, you will uncover the reasons why hypnosis treatment may fail in your session. If your treatment suggestions fail, you may have your client’s fear of failure, as the culprit.

What is the fear of failure?

Your client’s fear of failure most likely began as a young child. Perhaps your client’s parents were not patient with him or her and said things like, “You will never amount to anything,” or “You always do everything wrong.” Young children hang on every word their parents utter and try to live up to their parent’s expectations.

Soon, those expectations become goals, and the subconscious mind, being a goal achieving machine is a willing servant in manifesting the failure pattern.

Your clients may even have best friends who deviously and not so deviously discourage rather then encourage success. You need to ask a question like, “Who does not want you to achieve your goal,” and find out if the lack of support from a friend or friends is creating a mindset of failure within your client.

What do I do to help my client’s overcome their fears of failure?

Once you have established there is a pattern, have your clients close their eyes and recall the last time they felt good about achieving a goal in their lives. Everyone, no matter how failure driven, will remember high points in their lives. Have your clients remember in every detail the winning accomplishment, and focus on the feelings your clients had at the time of the accomplishment and how they feel now, about this accomplishment.

When you then, formally hypnotize your clients include in their hypnosis induction, a comparison of the feeling they will have when they, give up smoking, lose weight or achieve their hypnosis goals, with the feeling they had when they achieved their remembered success in the past.

To the degree you can get your clients to compare their projected success with the feeling of their past success, you will expedite the behavior you seek in your clients and reduce their fears of failure.

Sometimes, your clients will be crippled with a profound fear of failure. You need to overcome this fear of failure during your first hypnosis treatment session. Before you hypnotize your client, find out about his fears, and then attack his fears by encouraging remembering and recalling feelings attached to a previous success.

Doing so, will create an atmosphere or environment of success and help your clients achieve their goals.

Do you want to learn more about hypnosis treatment programs? Order my hypnosis audio training program. You listen and achieve success. I am also available for personal one-on-one training, here in Arizona. Click here to learn more.

“My mission in life is to help you achieve your mission in life.”—Wayne F. Perkins

Friday, October 21, 2005

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Thursday, October 20, 2005

Fear of Rejection

Fear of Rejection

I like to improve the odds of successfully treating clients using hypnosis. One of the best ways of insuring your success as a hypnotist is to probe your client before hypnotizing him or her.

In probing your client you are looking to find the fears that will hold your client back from successfully completing your hypnosis treatment program.

One of the major fears you need to help your client overcome is the “fear of rejection.”

Fear of rejection comes into play especially in the areas of smoking cessation, controlling weight, or preparing for plastic surgery.

I met a guy we will call Charles, who was trying to give up smoking. He went to a one day stop smoking clinic presented by one of my hypnotist students. At the end of the day, Charles destroyed a pack of cigarettes and swore he would never touch those cigarettes again.

Charles went to his favorite night club, where smoking is allowed, and began talking about his hypnosis experience with a couple of his friends. As friend number one was expounding on hypnosis being the “work of the Devil,” friend number two was placing packs of cigarettes in front of Charles. Friend number two went to a convenience store during this discussion and quickly returned with a full carton of cigarettes. He laid the carton in front of Charles at the night club table.

Within a short time, Charles was smoking more than ever. His fear of losing his non-supportive friends was superior to his wish to give up smoking.

I asked Charles why he picked up the cigarettes and he simply said, “I felt rejected by my decision to quit smoking.” “The guys didn’t think it was okay.” “They kept putting me down for it and made fun of me.” “I just had to go back to get things back to normal.”

The fear of rejection, can wreak havoc on a hypnosis treatment program. As a hypnotist, make sure you ask your clients in their very first visits, “How will your friends feel about your success?” “When you are successful using this treatment, are you ready to change your life, forever?

If you receive answers during your first sessions that your clients are not ready to their lives forever, then recommend they come back when they are ready to change. The must be committed to change in order for your hypnosis treatment program to work.

Hypnosis can work miracles, however, only when your clients are ready to overcome their fear of rejection. I wish you success in helping all your clients overcome their fears of rejection.

Are you ready to learn the true magic of the mind, Hypnotism? Click here to take my 8 hour audio hypnosis training course or click here and meet with me in Phoenix, Arizona.

“My mission in life is to help you achieve your mission in life.”—Wayne F. Perkins

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

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Fear of Embarrassment

Fear of Embarrassment

You want to be successful as a professional hypnotist or hypnotherapist. You have a client named Frank, who comes to you because he never seems to earn enough money.

Even though Frank is college educated, the only jobs he gets hired for are barely over minimum wage. Frank is 35 years old, and has never earned the “big money,” promised by earning a college degree.

This is a common scenario with male clients, over the age of thirty, moving all the way up to retirement age.
I probed Frank, asking why he thinks he never secured the “big career.” I asked him, “What is holding you back from the big money,” and I asked him, “Who is holding you back from earning the big money.”

I was surprised to find that he named three people. I will call them, Tom, Dick and Harry.”

Every morning Frank, Tom, Dick and Harry meet for breakfast at a coffee shop located on the way to work.

Tom, Dick and Harry all work for either retail stores or telephone call centers, earning just a little over minimum wage. Tom, Dick and Harry are Frank’s age and none have a college degree.

I asked Frank, “What would Tom, Dick and Harry say if at breakfast, you told them, “I just got a job that will pay more than double my current earnings.”

Frank though about it a few minutes then exclaimed, “I would be too embarrassed to tell them.”

I asked Frank why he would be embarrassed, and he said, “I don’t know.”

This is a very common to find in the business world. You find friends who are like you. They have the same politics, many times the same religious beliefs, and the same attitudes. You feel comfortable with them. There is nothing wrong with hanging out with like minds except when it comes to earning money.

To paraphrase Mark Victor Hansen, the “Chicken Soup of the Soul, Co-Creator, “Tell me how much money each of eight of your closest friend’s earn and I can tell you how much you earn.”

Peer pressure to retain the status quo in an adult relationship is every much as powerful as the peer pressure associated with teenage drug use.

How can a hypnotist help?Once you have ascertained that your client is affected by the fear of embarrassment, you need to confront that fear with a positive induction that focuses on visualization exercises focusing on the way Tom, Dick and Harry will perceive Frank in his new higher paying position.

Make the visualization vivid with all the sights, sounds, smells and feelings of the breakfast café.

You will find that in just a few sessions, Frank will overcome his fear of embarrassment and embark on a program to find better paying jobs.


Always be on the lookout for the “Fear of Embarrassment.” This is a real fear that holds many of us back from success. Mastering techniques on overcoming the fear will help you as a hypnotist or hypnotherapist help many people that normally would go back to their old habits once your sessions are finished.

Do you want to be a professional hypnotist? Try my Master Hypnosis Audio Training Course, or my two day professional training held in Phoenix, Arizona.

“My mission in life is to help you achieve your mission in life.”—Wayne F. Perkins

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

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Monday, October 17, 2005

Hypnosis Treatment Help: Overcoming Fears

Hypnosis Treatment Help: Overcoming Fears

I have had many clients over the past 30 years come to me to overcome a specific fear. Fears such as the fear of heights, the fear of death, fear of public speaking, fear of losing money, etc are fears that are elevated through hypnosis treatment.

I am not going to talk about these fears today. Instead, I am going to focus on fear that keeps people from achieving success using a hypnosis treatment program.

Fear is an acronym for “False Expectations Appearing Real.”

People come to hypnotists with all types of needs and goals. Clients rarely come to you as a hypnotist and give any thought to the fears they have regarding successfully completing a program and changing or eliminating a negative behavior, forever.

Unless, you as a hypnotist or hypnotherapist can zero on the fears holding your client from success, you have but a slim change in helping your client achieve his/her goals.

Clients come to you with certain mind-sets. Usually the reason they come to you and not solve the problem themselves is because of fear.

They may feel the fear of embarrassment. They may have the fear of rejection. In addition they may carry with them, the fear of failure and the fear of success.

In my next hypnosis training Blog posts, I will focus in on the four fears holding your hypnosis client back from success.

Do you want to learn hypnosis using my new hypnosis audio training program? Click here for information. When you want to begin a career path as a professional hypnotist, take my one-on-one, Master Hypnotist Training, held in Phoenix, Arizona. Click here for more information.

“My mission in life is to help you achieve your mission in life.”—Wayne F. Perkins
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Talking Too Fast or Too Slow During the Hypnosis Induction

Talking Too Fast or Too Slow During the Hypnosis Induction

What is the correct talking pace in order to hypnotize people? Can I actually talk too fast or too slow?

When hypnotizing other people, and even when using self-hypnosis, you want to make sure you are using the correct talking pace.

Talking both too fast or too slow, may distract your clients and cause them to come out of the hypnosis experience.

If you are hypnotizing just one person, it is very important to get the pacing correct. You can get the correct pacing just by listening to your clients as they give you information during the intake phase of your hypnosis treatment session. Notice how quickly they respond to your questions. Is there a three or four second pause between the time that they are thinking about their answers or do they answer your questions as quickly as the questions come out of your mouth?

If there is a three or four second pause from the time you have asked your question to the time your client responds, then seriously consider have a three or four second pause at the end of each induction phrase.

For example, you are hypnotizing Linda, from Louisville, Kentucky. Every time you ask her a simple question, she takes about three or four seconds to respond. Here is how you would deliver your hypnotic suggestions: “You are becoming very relaxed and very tired as you go deep, deep, asleep.” (Wait four seconds)

“Now, think about relaxing all the muscles of your feet.” (Wait four seconds)

“And as you think about relaxing all the muscles of your feet, you are going, deeper and deeper asleep.”

Notice, the four second intervals I have inserted in that induction to effectively pace myself with Linda’s thought processes.

Now, on the other hand, you now have a client, (Jacob) who lives in New York City. As you ask your client questions during the intake portion of your hypnosis treatment session, Jacob responds so quickly that you barely raise the tone of your sentence to demonstrate a question, and Jacob already has a complete sentence in response.

My suggestions would go something like this:

“You are becoming very relaxed and very tired as you go deep, deep asleep.”

“Now, think about relaxing all the muscles of your feet.” “As you think about relaxing all the muscles of your feet, you are going deeper and deeper asleep.”

Notice, I speed up the delivery of my hypnotic suggestions. This will assist me in providing better rapport with my client as his thought processes move quickly.

Make sure you use the correct pace when hypnotizing clients. You get clues as to the proper pace as you listen to your client’s responses to questions you deliver during the intake phase of your hypnosis treatment session.

I wish you success in achieving all of your goals.

Learn hypnosis with my new audio hypnosis training. If you want to become a professional hypnotist in only two days, click here.

“My mission in life is to help you achieve your mission in life,”—Wayne F. Perkins

Sunday, October 16, 2005

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Hypnosis in Easy Steps

Hypnosis in Easy Steps

You may ask, what steps do I need to take to become a professional hypnotist?

How do I get a license and certification?

Let us examine the first steps you need to take to become a professional hypnotist.

Many people are interested in becoming professional hypnotists. They are at a point in their lives when they no longer want to be a spectator as they watch their family and friends suffer from psychological, physical or emotional problems. People want to help.

Since most books on hypnosis have been published 30 or 40 years ago, prospective hypnosis students do not know what steps they need to take today to become a professional hypnotist.

The good news is, if you live in the United States as long as you are at least twenty one years old, you can be a professional hypnotist just by calling yourself a professional hypnotist.

Contrary to popular belief, there is no universal certification board that allows any adult with any educational background the right to hypnotize other people. Because of freedom of speech in this country, by your birthright you are allowed to hypnotize other people.

All hypnosis schools are basically private people, companies or organizations that have no affiliation with state or federal educational departments other than the fact that they may obtain a business license to operate in that state. There are no certification teams that inspect or oversee what is happening in those schools, like you would find at regionally accredited colleges, universities, or community colleges. At best the so called school obtains a business license, just like you would if you offered a chimney sweep service or a hardware store. There is no governing body or certification body to oversee and control the process of hypnosis.

You can call yourself a professional hypnotist whether you have any training in the field or if you just have read a book on the subject.

On the other hand, the only way you can call yourself a “hypnotherapist” and legally do so within the 50 US states is you must have at least a Masters Degree in psychology or a PhD in psychology or an MD in psychiatry. (The word “therapist” in a title implies to many people you have postgraduate degrees like Masters and PhDs from “real” colleges and universities, not diploma mills.

In some states like Arizona and California, where I do most of my business, as long as you get certified by a private person or a school, you can call yourself a clinical hypnotherapist. But be on the lookout for those laws to change down the road.

You are always safe in calling yourself a “hypnotist,” but your are not safe in calling yourself a “hypnotherapist.”

The best way to find out what educational requirements you need in your state is to contact your Department of Commerce within your state.

Every US State now has a State Government Website Online. Within their Department of Commerce they will outline what you need to do to do business within that state.

It is very possible that you will not find any information at all regarding “hypnotists” or “hypnotherapists” regulations. There are very few fulltime hypnotists located throughout the country so, it usually does not warrant any special laws or considerations.

My advice is to start by contacting your state government or province if you are located in Canada. Find out if there are any special requirements to operating as a professional hypnotist within your state. If not, then you may want to take my Master Hypnosis Online Audio Training Course that will walk you through all aspects of hypnosis and even show you how to open your own practice within your State or Region.

Click here for my audio training course or if you want me to work with you one-on-one, click here.

I wish you success in becoming a professional hypnotist.

Wayne F. Perkins

Hypnotism Education Website

“My mission in life is to help you achieve your mission in life.”—Wayne F. Perkins

Saturday, October 15, 2005

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Friends and Hypnosis a Help or a Hindrance

Friends and Hypnosis a Help or a Hindrance
Can friends help me learn hypnosis quicker and easier?

When I began learning hypnosis back in 1976, I made it a very private thing. Even though I had very supportive friends and family, when I talked about my career plans to some of them, I would sometimes get replies that “hypnosis is the work of the devil,” or “why don’t you get a regular job,” or “you are going to be so rich that you won’t have time for us, little people.”

When learning hypnosis, you are going to need to selectively listen to the supportive friends and relatives and deny the comments by the unsupportive friends and relatives.

Sometimes friends and relatives do not really support you at all. More than anything, they want you to fail. It seems that if you achieve success, it somehow diminishes them.

Some people call this “human nature,” I just call it selfishness and stupidity.

A real friend will always be supportive and is happy with your success.

My first hypnosis volunteer came as a result of a friend boasting about me in front of his friends.

As a result, this friends’ first hypnosis experience is featured in my book, “How to Hypnotize Yourself Without Losing Your Mind.” You can read the entire book free on my Hypnotism Education Website.

Another friend, Joe Ornelas, encouraged me to perform at a Christmas party he had for his employees and friends. This was my first time hypnotizing in front of a large group and it was very entertaining. It lit the fire, and was my starting point in presenting stage hypnosis shows to high schools and colleges.

Friends can be a help and friends can be a hindrance to learning hypnosis. Make sure you selectively listen, keep your goals in front of you, and use the encouragement and help from your real friends to help you succeed in the business of helping and entertaining others.

You can learn hypnosis with my unique Master Hypnotist Training Course by clicking here.
Or you can learn one-on-one with me as your personal coach in Phoenix, Arizona.

“My mission in life is to help you achieve your mission in life.”—Wayne F. Perkins

Friday, October 14, 2005

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How long does it take to become a Professional Hypnotist

How long does it take to become a Professional Hypnotist?Everyone wants to know how long it takes. The answer varies. I have known hypnotists who learn how to hypnotize in one or two days and begin successful careers.

I also know plenty of hypnotists who read every book on the subject and sign up for every class they can find, and they never go out and actually use hypnosis.

There are no universally accepted courses or books out there to start you on your path.

But even though that statement is true, I have found that once you begin working with people and helping them through hypnosis, then you will find the areas of hypnosis you wish to study. You do not need to tackle the entire body of knowledge before you can be successful.

Try my free self-hypnosis training course online, or take the Master Hypnosis Audio Training course and see how quickly you can put these principles to work in helping other people. You may surprise yourself with your new found talent.

Wayne F. Perkins

My free self-hypnosis training is located here.

You can take my Master Hypnotist Training by clicking here.
"My mission in life is to help you achieve your mission in life"--Wayne F. Perkins

Thursday, October 13, 2005

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How long is a good hypnosis induction?

How Long is A Good Hypnosis Induction by Wayne F. Perkins
Many of my students have asked me over the years, "How long is a good hypnosis induction?"

Many students feel that the length of the induction if more important than the subject's mindset.

I have never been involved in any professional studies on the proper length of a good hypnosis induction.I don't know of any studies ever done in this regard. I guess that is true because responding to a hypnosis induction is a very personal thing. Some people will go deep into hypnosis from the introduction by the Master of Ceremonies, long before they go up on stage to be hypnotized. Other people will never respond to the hypnotist, even if he spends 8 straight hours with his client or volunteer.

In general I have found, that volunteers in a hypnosis demonstration will respond very quickly. This is due to the hype surrounding the show, the introduction, and the expectation of something exciting happening in just a few minutes.

On the other hand, during an hour hypnotherapy session, I expect to take a large part of that time, deeply hypnotizing my clients. I will use several short inductions during my hour long session, each time bringing my clients out of hypnosis to question them and pick up cues from them on "what to say" during subsequent inductions. This helps me find the right words to reach my clients and at the same time, allow them to go deeper into the hypnotic condition as they become more accustomed to the process.


I use short inductions for show and long periods of hypnosis inductions for one-on-one clients. Good luck on all of your hypnosis inductions.

Do you want to learn how to hypnotize other people? Click here for my new audio hypnosis course or click here for my traditional one-on-one Master Hypnotist Training held in Arizona.

"My mission in life is to help you achieve your mission in life."--Wayne F. Perkins

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

this is an audio post - click to play

The Rise and Fall of Your Hypnotizing Voice

Today's tip will about the Rise and Fall of Your Hypnotizing Voice.

Please refer to the audio post to hear what I am talking about.

Hypnotizing, using the "rise of your hypnotizing voice."

When I am suggesting to my client, named Mike that he is feeling lighter in his chair, I will say, in a moment you will feel very light in your chair. You are feeling lighter and lighter, lighter and lighter. Soon your hands and arms will feel so light that they begin to come up from your lap. They are rising upward, higher and higher, higher and higher, and the movement is sending you deeper and sounder asleep.

Notice how my voice begins to rise as I speak about my client's body feeling lighter and lighter. Also when I ask for his hands to come up and rise upward in the air.

I also compound the suggestion by mentioning that the movement will send him deeper and sounder asleep. ( I will address compounding suggestion in a future post and I explain it in detail in my One-on-one hypnosis training and consulting)

Hypnotizing Using the Fall of Your Voice

You can also enhance the hypntotic experience by allowing your voice to fall. For example, I am working with Kim, and I want her to go deeper into hypnosis.

I suggestion, in a moment you are going to feel very heavy as you go deeper and deeper into hypnosis. Your arms are growing heavy, you are growing tired, you are going deep, deep asleep. Your legs are growing heavy, you are growing tired, you are going deep, deep, asleep.

All the muscles in your body are growing heavy, you are growing tired as you are going deeper and sounder asleep.

You are going , down, down, down, and deeper and deeper, asleep.

Notice how my voice goes down as I mention the body getting heavy and growing tired.

This is an excellent way to enhance and deepen the hypnosis experience for your client.

Use both of these methods and notice how your clients and volunteers respond. You will be happy with your results.

Good luck,

Wayne F. Perkins

If you want to become a professional hypnotist click here.

If you would like an inexpensive audio hypnosis training course, click here.

"My mission in life is to help you achieve your mission in life"--Wayne F. Perkins

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

this is an audio post - click to play

Using Your Environment to Hypnotize Other People

Here is a hot hypnosis tip.

Use your environment when hypnotizing other people. How do you use your environment to hypnotize other people?

The first thing you do is notice the sights, sounds and smells of everything around you.

For example, let's say you are hypnotizing a person in his/her home. On the wall you see pictures of atheletic events where your client is receiving awards or trophies.

When your client is resting in hypnosis, you may deepen the condition by suggesting that your client remember receiving an athletic award. Have your client feel the pride and satisfaction of accomplishing a goal. (This will help your client understand how it feels to achieve success and you will want him/her feel the same feeling as suggested by the picture)

When your client is resting in hypnosis, you can ask him/her to hear the sound of their furnace kicking on and the fan whirling around. "As you hear the sound of your furnace kicking on and your fan whirling around, you are going deeper into hypnosis."

(These suggestions are meant to help you achieve more control over the hypnotic process and help deepen the experience for your client)

Finally, you can add the sense of smell to the hypnotic experience. Everyone's home smells different. Perhaps there are flowers in the room you are using for hypnosis, or the window is open and there are fragarent pine trees outside the window. You can suggest, "Soon you will smell the smell of pine trees." "When you smell the smell of these wonderful pine trees, allow yourself to go deeper into hypnosis."

Try using your client's environment to enhance the hypnotice experience. You will find your clients developing a better rapport and confidence to achieve their hypnotic goals.

Good luck,

Wayne F. Perkins

Do you want to learn how to hypnotize like Wayne F. Perkins? Click here for more information on learning how to hypnotize.

Hypnotism Education Website

"My mission in life is to help you achieve your mission in life."--Wayne F. Perkins

Monday, October 10, 2005

Practicing Hypnotizing Other People Tip 1

Many students ask, what is the best way to practice hypnotizing others people?

One tip I will pass on is one I have used since my days as a musician back in the early 70s.

When you practice, picture in your mind that you are in front of a large audience. Picture people sitting in chairs, enjoying the show. Picture smiling faces and joyous anticipation exuding from the audience.

Think and feel that everyone is there to experience the true magic of the mind, hypnotism.

Once you "see" yourself in the role as a professional hypnotist,and that many people have come to see you exercise your skill, then begin to hypnotize your volunteer or client. If you have no-one in front of you as you are just rehearsing before you begin with real people, then go ahead and picture a person sitting in a chair and eagerly awaiting, your hypnosis induction.

Use all of your senses in practicing hypnosis, and you will find yourself gaining more and more self-confidence when it is time to hypnotize for real.

Thank you,

Wayne F. Perkins

Learn to hypnotize other people by clicking here

Hypnotism Education Website

"My mission in life is to help you achieve your mission in life."--Wayne F. Perkins

Sunday, October 09, 2005

The "Lemon Demonstration" for hypnotizing groups

Today, you are going to learn the "Lemon Demonstration" used in hypnotizing groups.

The objective is to get your entire audience experiencing hypnosis phenomena, even before you work with volunteers on stage. This is also a great exercise to demonstrate to groups as you market your hypnotherapy services.

Listen to the Audio Post listed below this post to hear how to execute the "Lemon Demonstration" before groups.

Wayne F. Perkins

Do you want to learn hypnosis? Click here and begin your training NOW

"My mission in life is to help you achieve your mission in life."--Wayne F. Perkins
this is an audio post - click to play

Saturday, October 08, 2005

ADD Hypnosis Script by Wayne F. Perkins

Would you like to help overcome the effects of ADD. Read and record this hypnosis ADD script and listen to it often.

Repeat this as often as you like. ADD sufferers need spaced repetition of the exercise to stimulate their powerful subconscious minds.

Before You Begin:

Always remember that ALL hypnosis is self-hypnosis! You are always in control.

You have all the power necessary to make positive changes in your own life. You may have found out already in life that you also have the power to make all the negative changes in your life.

Let's focus on the positive changes.

Find an area in your home or place of work where you can have about twenty minutes to yourself. That's right, only 20 minutes are needed in your quest for a successful induction at this point.

Now read the following words into your recording equipment.

Read very, very slowly.

Pretend that you are tired as you read this exercise and you will react in a relaxed, sleepy, manner.

You will find yourself empathetic to your own voice. (You may want to print out this page for future reference)

Whenever you see the (Pause) cue, pause for 3 seconds, then go ahead and read again. Let your body relax for a few moments before continuing on.

If you are not the person seeking treatment for example, a therapist, parent or friend, make sure you read this in a relaxed and sleepy manner as you read aloud.

Your Hypnosis Begins Now

Sit up in a comfortable chair or lie on a couch or a bed with your hands resting in your lap or by your side and take three slow deep breaths. Each time you inhale, focus on filling your lungs with clean, fresh air. (Pause) As you exhale, feel all of the tension leave your lungs. (Pause)

Now stare at a spot. Look at a spot on the wall or ceiling. (Pause)

Look at that spot, breathe deep and relax. (Pause)

Your body is relaxing, deeply relaxing. (Pause)

You eyes are getting heavy and closing down. (Pause)

You are going deep, deep, and deeper into a pleasant state of relaxation. (Pause)

Your mind is alert and aware, and your body is relaxing, perfectly.

Now I am going to count from three down to one. With every count take a long slow deep breath. Then exhale deeply, and allow yourself to relax deeper and sounder than ever before. (Pause)

Okay, three breathing deeply, two, inhaling deeply and exhaling.

Feel the tension leaving your lungs. (Pause)

One, deeper and more completely relaxed than ever before. (Pause)

Now close your eyes and relax deeply. (Pause)

You feel relaxed, focused and at peace. (Pause)

Each time you practice this exercise, You will find yourself relaxing to a greater and greater degree. (Pause)

Your body feels totally relaxed as your mind is keenly alert, aware and very powerful. (Pause)

You can achieve anything YOU want when you execute your own personal power. (Pause)

You will sleep better when its time to sleep and you will find more energy when you are awake. Your powers of concentration will become stronger and stronger. (Pause)

Your life is getting better and better. (Pause)

Day by day, in every way you are getting better and better. (Pause)

You feel good, you feel feel perfectly relaxed. (Pause)

Each and every deep breath that you take lets you relax deeper and deeper. (Pause)

Each and every sound that you hear allows you to relax deeper and deeper. (Pause)

Nothing will disturb you.

Just breathe deeply and relax deeply. (Pause)

Let your body relax. (Pause)

Let all of your muscles relax as you gain control over the powerful subconscious part of our mind. (Pause)

All of your cares and troubles are just drifting away. (Pause)

You can bring them back at any time you want. (Pause)

However, it feels good to let them drift away at this time. (Pause)

But it feels good to let them drift away at this time.

Each and every breath you take allows you to relax deeper and deeper each and every sound that you hear, allows you to relax deeper and deeper.

You feel good. You feel fine. You feel perfectly and completely relaxed. (Pause)

Your mind is alert and aware and your body is relaxing perfectly.

Now allow your eyelids to feel heavy. (Pause)

Allow your eyes to feel tired. Begin to close your eyelids down tight. This will allow you to relax deeper.

Deeper and sounder than ever before. (Pause)

You are going down deeper and sounder in this wonderful state of relaxation. (Pause)

Your mind is keenly alert and aware, and your body is relaxing perfectly. (Pause)

Now picture in your mind that with your eyes closed down tightly, you can see out of an imaginary hole in the top of your head. (Pause)

Imagine that you are looking out of that imaginary hole or window and you can see a beautiful relaxing scene around you. (Pause)

You make be picturing the night sky, or a beautiful daytime scene with mountains and trees, or a lake or the ocean shore. Or, you may be picturing a comfortable room or place that is very quiet and still. (Pause)

Whatever picture you hold in your mind, just hold it there and relax deeply and soundly. (Pause)

Now we are going to select a picture a selection from my last example. (Pause)

Picture in your mind the night sky.

It may be a sky filled with a full moon, planets and stars or it might be an overcast night that is very dark and has little light.

Whatever sky you picture is the correct one.

As you picture the night sky in your mind, you body relaxes deeply, very deeply.

All of your muscles are going loose, and limp.

As your body relaxes you find yourself concentrating better and better. Your powers of concentration are becoming more acute and more pronounced.

It is easier for you to concentrate on those things that interest you.

Now as you see your night sky picture a large wheel somewhere in your night sky. (Pause)

It may be a large spoke wagon wheel, or bicycle wheel, or an automobile tire.

Whatever wheel you picture in your mind, it will be the correct wheel.

As you look at the wheel in the night sky, you are going deeper and deeper into this wonderful, hypnotic state of mind. (Pause)

Your powers of concentration are improving. You are seeing greater detail in your night sky. (Pause)

Now as you look at the night sky, picture your wheel turning and spinning to the right or to the left.

Whatever direction you see your wheel turning and spinning, this will be the correct direction. (Pause)

As you watch the wheel turning and spinning to the right or to the left, you body relaxes further. At the same time you concentration is growing more intense.

You are able to see greater detail in your night sky. (Pause)

As the night sky is becoming clearer and clearer, you are going deeper and deeper into this wonderful, relaxing state of mind.

Now as you watch the wheel turning and spinning to the right or to the left, now see the wheel moving toward you or away from you. (Pause)

As the wheel moves towards you, it becomes bigger and bigger. As it moves away from you it becomes smaller in the night sky.

As the wheel turns and spins and moves towards or away from you, relax and concentrate deeply. (Pause)

Now as you watch the wheel moving and spinning in the night sky, I want you to count back from one-hundred down to one. Now count to yourself slowly from one hundred down to one. (Pause)

Count 100, 99, 98, 97 and so on. As you are counting, see the wheel in the night sky swinging back and forth and spinning from side to side. (Pause)

Continue counting slowly and watching the wheel. You find yourself concentrating easier and easier. You body is relaxing as your concentration becomes easier and easier. (Pause)

Keep counting and as you do you are relaxing and going deeper into this wonderful state of mind. (Pause) (Pause) (Pause)

Go deeper and sounder into hypnosis. You feel good. You feel fine. You feel perfectly and completely relaxed. (Pause)

Stop counting and drop the picture of the night sky. (Pause)

Relax and let go of the images of the night sky. You are relaxing more with each and every breath that you take and each and every sound that you here.

You are finding that day by day your powers of concentration increase. You are able to concentrate better on the things that you are required to concentrate on whether they are at school or work or play.

If feels good to be able to increase your personal power of concentration. (Pause)

Day by day you gain powerful concentration powers. You amaze yourself and everyone around you on your ability to concentrate. (Pause)

After you arouse yourself from this session you will find yourself better able to concentrate on the world around you.

It becomes easier and more fun to concentrate.

Each and every time you hypnotize yourself or someone else hypnotizes you, personal concentration powers will become stronger and stronger.

You feel good. You feel fine you feel totally and completely, relaxed. In a moment I am going to count from 1 to 5. (Pause)

By the time I reach 5, you will be alert and awake and feeling better than you have ever felt before. (Pause)

Each and every time you practice this exercise, you will find yourself relaxing to a greater and greater degree. (Pause)

All right, one, two, three, four, and five. (Pause)

You are wide-awake, alert and feeling better in every way!


Thank you,

Wayne F. Perkins

Learn how to hypnotize today! Listen to Wayne's award hypnosis training program!

"My mission in life is to help you achieve your mission in life."--Wayne F. Perkins

Hypnotism Education Website

Free Self-hypnosis Training Online

Due to popular demand, I have posted by entire book, How to Hypnotize Yourself Without Losing Your Mind: A Self-hypnosis Training Program, by Wayne F. Perkins to my Hypnotism Education Website.

You can receive your FREE training by clicking on this link.I will soon create this book as an audio book, so you can experience the audible training for Self-hypnosis.

I wish you success in achieving all of your goals through Self-hypnosis.

Wayne F. Perkins Master Hypnotist Trainer

Click here if you want a complete audio course in Hypnosis.

Click here if you want to learn hypnosis one-on-one!

"My mission in life is to help you achieve your mission in life,"--Wayne F. Perkins

Friday, October 07, 2005

Short Hypnosis Induction #2

Short Hypnosis Induction 2.

The Bottom Up Induction

This short hypnosis induction includes suggestions to improve sleeping at night. This is a great first induction to use on a subject or yourself if you are practicing self-hypnosis in order to experience hypnosis and immediate benefits the very first night you try it.


Sit up in a chair with your feet flat on the floor and your hands relaxing in your lap or at your side. Or begin lying on your bed with your hands resting beside you.

During this session in hypnosis you will learn how to relax deeply. Upon arousing yourself from hypnosis you will find that you will sleep soundly when it is time to do so. You will awaken feeling the best sleep you have ever had.

Close your eyes and think about relaxing the muscles of your feet. As you think about relaxing the muscles of your feet, you are going deep, deep asleep.

Now think about relaxing the muscles of your legs. As you think about relaxing the muscles of your legs, you are going deeper and deeper asleep. (or into hypnosis)

Think about relaxing the muscles of your stomach. As you think about relaxing the muscles of your stomach, you are going deeper to sleep. (or into hypnosis)

Now think about relaxing the muscles of you arms and hands. As you think about relaxing the muscles of your arms and hands you are going deeper to sleep. (or into hypnosis)

Think about relaxing the muscles of your shoulders. As you think about relaxing the muscles of your shoulders you are going deeper to sleep. (or into hypnosis)

Now that your shoulders are relaxed, think about relaxing all of the muscles of your chest. As you think about relaxing the muscles of your chest, you are going deeper to sleep. (or into hypnosis)

Now think about relaxing the muscles of your neck. As you think about relaxing the muscles of your neck you are going deeper to sleep. (or into hypnosis)

Now think about relaxing the muscles of your face. As you think about relaxing the muscles of your face, your body relaxes more and more.

All of the muscles of your body are relaxing as you are going deeper and deeper asleep.

Now think about relaxing the muscles of your forehead. As you think about relaxing the muscles of your forehead, you are breathing deeply and comfortably. All the muscles of your body are relaxing.

In a moment I am going to count from one to five. When I reach five, you will be wide awake and alert and feeling better than you ever felt before. Upon arousing yourself from hypnosis you will find that you will sleep soundly when it is time to do so. You will awaken feeling the best sleep you have ever had.

Okay, one...two...three...get ready to open your eyes, four...FIVE. Wide awake and alert.

How do you feel?

Do you want to learn hypnosis in the convenience of your home? Do you want to hear how hypnosis suggestions should sound? Click here for Wayne Perkins new Master Hypnosis Audio Training

Once you are satisfied that Wayne is the hypnosis instructor and professional hypnosis coach for you, click here and book a two day Master Hypnotist Training Course in Phoenix, Arizona.

I wish you good luck in achieving your goal.


Wayne F. Perkins

"My mission in life is to help you achieve your mission in life"--Wayne F. Perkins

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

What does it take to be a professional hypnotist?

What does it take to be a professional hypnotist?

After a performance, there are always 10 or 15 people, who hang around to ask the questions, "What does it take to be a professional hypnotist?"

Many of these same people believe, a hypnotist is born with super powers of persuasion or some kind of spiritual connection to all living things.

My answer to my questioners are, a hypnotist has no additional persuasive powers. He or she is just using standard psychological principles of behavior and group behavior. These are principles that can be learned in a very short time.

(For example, I teach a professional course on hypnosis with the intention of creating a professional hypnotist in just two days)

In addition to learning and practicing these psychological principles, the hypnosis student needs to take a giant leap of faith and begin to believe in the clients or volunteers used in a professional hypnosis practice or in a stage performance.

Their wellbeing and saftety as well as their ability to achieve success through following hypnosis principles is the true focus of any hypnotic encounter.

If the hypnosis student can keep other people's goals in mind as the learning process begins, the student will find hypnosis very rewarding.

Suspending previous beliefs in favor of listining and learning a new "operating system" is key.

I wish everyone who is sincerely intersted in learning the fine art and science of hypnosis success and happiness in the field. You will find unbelievable rewards from working with people, and helping them achieve success.

Wayne F. Perkins

Learn how to hypnotize from the security of your home

click here for details.

Be a Stage Hypnotist or a Clinical Hypnotherapist in just 2 days!

click here for details.
"My mission in life is to help you achieve your mission in life."--Wayne F. Perkins